Friday, November 12, 2010

Review of the movie Titanic

Yeah, my personal review about that old film with the sinking ship and the love birds. No, I'm not going through too many details, but I'll just highlight one main thing: ROSE DEWITT BUKATER IS THE REAL VILLAIN in that movie. She killed at least 3 of the passengers of Titanic on that cold night it sank... Before moving on, I need to alert those readers who were living somewhere on Mars for the last 13 years and did NOT watch Titanic: there will be spoilers from this point on.

Let's review the unquestionable facts:
1. Do you remember that Rose jumped off the rescue boat to be with Jack? You probably also remember that the priority for these boats was for children and women, as they didn't have enough space to save everyone. And I hope you also remember the shocking scene of the frozen mom holding her baby in the icy water, both frozen to death... So, had Rose decided not to go on the rescue boat and then change her mind, that poor lady with her baby could and would definitely be saved from turning into floating ice cubes. Rose was responsible for 2 DEATHS because she was a selfish bitch.

2. Hey, what about that wooden piece she used to keep herself out of the cold water? Yes, it was found by Jack... Can someone tell him it's not time to be a gentleman, especially with a gal he just met and shagged 24 hours before this life or death situation? And couldn't the chubby bitch move a bit to the side so poor Jack could have avoided dying of hypothermia? What about switching places? Even Emperor Penguins do this to keep alive, they alternate who gets exposed to the cold wind, and organise a rotation system, so everyone is in the cold for a bit, but everyone gets to live... Rose "TheBitch" Bukater is responsible for ANOTHER DEATH, as Jack would have certainly survived had this girl been elsewhere.

So, why do we hate Cal, the fiance, who was the one cheated on by Le Bitch? And remember, he still tried to save her! What a noble gesture towards a woman who should be stoned for adultery...  After all this, she holds that fat diamond and throws it in the ocean. YES, SHE THROWS IT IN THE OCEAN! That diamond could have aided the famine of hundreds of starving African countries... And she feeds it to the fish! If you count these thousands of deaths that could have been avoided, Kate is in fact a MASS MURDERER!


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