Friday, September 17, 2010

Preparation for the Oktoberfest - went shopping for my first dirndl.. First what?? FIRST DIRNDL! D-I-R-N-D-L! Have you ever seen 4 consonants together? Me neither... Now, try to pronounce it, without using any vowels... That's ok, I nearly broke my tongue too - well, tongues can't break, stupid me!

Back to the dirndl: it's a girl's farmer dress. That's it. Oh no, that's not it, it's also the official dress code for the Oktoberfest (for women, although I've seen men wearing it too - picture below).

So it's all about pimping a farmer's look, and making it look luxurious. Hard? Not really, I've been wondering around the streets of Munich and found many dirndls (5th consonant - ahhhh my toooongue!) for the modest sum of €1,800. Ok, I'll give you some time to process this: ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EUROS! Or if you prefer, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED EUROS! Yes, for a farmer's dress. Breath in. Breath out. Again.

Ok, better now? Well, I'll be proudly featuring my C&A dirndl with my head high, and with my pocket less "raped": it cost €129, it's my first dirndl and it's beautiful, despite all the weird faces of my work colleagues when I said:

- I bought my first dirndl, it's beautiful!
-Oh really, where did you buy?
(longest 3 seconds followed by a indescribable face: mixed of disappointment and attempt to hide it, to also hide their own prejudice against this brand). Then they try to fill in the gap with other questions:
- Oh, which colour? (Why? We're not going to wear the same dirndls, you obviously don't shop at C&A!)
- What's the style? (WTF? Isn't a dirndl already a style within its own concept? Hmmm Latex style, Dominatrix style? You're messing up more, mate...)

Yes, I'll be happily partying with my C&A dirndl! And yes, IT IS NICE AND BEAUTIFUL. And I'll rock at the Oktoberfest this year!

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