Thursday, October 30, 2008

Breaking the ice

Although this blog is a few (or many...) years old, I'd like to give it a serious facelift so it becomes more appealing and sexy. But since we're not that intimate anymore (me, the blog and you, the reader, not exactly in this order), I was hoping to find suitable ways of breaking the ice of writing a 1st post, it's quite hard to find the right balance when you are just shooting in the dark of the world wide web. So I was trying to get inspiration from other websites (stealing ideas and making them my own, if you know what I mean), and came across this blog: Ask the Kid, where the blogger gives some ideas on how to break the ice in these social deadlocks. Wouldn't it sound too boring if I started with: "hi, my name is X and I was born in blablabla"? From reading blogs, I realise that what makes a blog interesting is not an essay about the blogger's life or their profile, but what they can offer you, the reader. It needs to be enticing, sultry... For most, it's our first "date", dear reader, so I need to make it interesting enough for a second (and third...) encounter. The first advice "the Kid" gave was:

1. Make'em laugh - I have a rather dark humour, not sure if it's suitable for the time you'll be reading this post, so let's skip this one.
2. Haiku 4 you (wtf?)
3. Karaoke - I'm sure you'd skip this one if you could listen to me singing
4. Collaborative cooking -not a big fun of a virtual lasagna, my extra pounds figure reveals how much I love REAL food
5. Board games - I love them, but I'd look too nerdy, I have to look SEXY!
6. Improvisation - I am trying! Already wrote a couple of lines!
7. Debate - that's good, but with no readers yet, how can we have a debate? Resolution: POSTPONED

Ok... Will have to work on breaking our ice.. Or maybe I should just let it melt naturally, like what's happening to Antarctica right now. Ha! That's a good lead for a start, I can talk about our climate change issues, Antarctica's ice melting and I'd be on the good e-books for having an eco-friendly blog? Maybe I should put that msg on the bottom of every post, that same one every politically correct person has on their e-mail signature: "Consider Nature before printing this e-mail" and adapt to: "Recycled blog - made from recycled e-leaves, please read it and waste it!" Nah... Boring... I'll try harder on our next date!


Anonymous said...

Hi, new reader here!

Anonymous said...

A good book to you: "Breaking the ice - the Sharon Stone method" - lol... me and my teenage dream... lol...