Thursday, November 11, 2010

Why is my boss such an asshole? Ok, just doublechecking, my identity is hidden, I can carry on... Let's call him "John Smith"...

My recent email to John Smith, my manager, aka Satan on Earth:
- So John, what do you prefer me to do, x or y?

After 2 days, John replies:

What the fuck? You know, I learned that CHILDREN up to the age of 2 years old reply "yes" to a question with 2 options, as they cannot choose yet. John is (physically) above 2 years old, so, with the developed brain of a 1 year old child, how on Earth could he be holding the position he is now, earning at least double of my salary??? 

Hang on.. In this case... Who is the wrong one? Me or him? Hmmmm... My answer to this is:

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