Sunday, September 19, 2010

I had to go to the dentist and of course it was a nightmare. With my previous painful experiences with these sadist professionals, I was reluctant about visiting another one. Especially if I'm in Germany and can't speak a word of German. German dentist! Somehow it sounds creepier than just "dentist".
Then I went to this dentist, following a recommendation of a work colleague (I couldn't help but wonder: maybe she hates me and sent me to the worst dentist in town?). My vivid imagination wasn't really helping, I could imagine all sorts of things going wrong... I was greeted in German by the secretary, I replied in English, she replied in German again. We couldn't understand each other, but it was the least of my problems... I entered the consultation room and was left there to wait. I was scanning everything in that room - Harvard certificate on the wall (not bad...), clean and spacious work space, the dreadful drilling device beside me - the memory of that noise creeps the shit out of me. Then I saw a music player device next to the "torture" chair. I went to look at the CDs to see what musical taste this dentist would have - when I saw this:

My vivid imagination came back: what if he wasn't a sadist but a PERVERT instead? The type who would give you anaesthetics and put you to sleep and do all these sick things while you were blacked out? Why would a professional dentist have an "erotic lounge" CD at his consultation room? What a horrible impression even before meeting the poor soul!

Ok, I don't need to tell you all about my periodontal issues that I need to follow up - yeah, I wouldn't want to read about it either. But I must tell you how wrong I was: he was a great dentist, and spoke great English! Surely I was uncomfortable when he suggested a general anaesthesia that would put me to sleep while I had my wisdom teeth removed - I remembered the "erotic lounge" and my graphical imagination - no, thanks! "I like being awake and aware of everything that's happening" was my answer.

So to all dentists around - don't bring your erotic lounge CDs or any other CD of its kind - you might have a fucked up imaginative patient like me, who would be posting something on their blog suggesting you could be a pervert, when you're actually the best dentist in town.

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